What is CROP?
CROP is a community-based, grant program, funded by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Bureau of Behavioral Health Services, Division of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment Services, in partnership with the Mississippi Public Health Institute. Our vision is to cultivate a faith-based community where love and support can be felt the most, especially when caring is simply not enough. CROP’s mission is to help faith communities foster recovery for individuals living with substance use disorders and mental illnesses through collaborations, best practices, and education.
What Does CROP Offer?
- CROP, which began last year as a pilot project funded by DMH via SAMHSA’s COVID-19 allocations, currently works with three African American churches in Hinds County that have a long-standing history of providing social services for members of under-resourced communities, reach broad populations, and a keen focus on health equity. These partnering churches assist individuals dealing with issues of substance use disorders and mental illness by making confidential referrals to agencies equipped to assess and provide treatment. Participating churches that can make these referrals are:
- Jackson Revival Center
- New Horizon Church International
- Pearl Street A. M. E. Church
CROP 5-dimensional model
CROP uses a proven 5-dimensional best practice model, taken from the Tennessee Recovery Model, for engaging religious and faith-based congregations in working to help individuals with substance use disorders and mental illness.
Provide spiritual/pastoral support
View addiction as a treatable disease
Embrace and support people in recovery and walk with them
Provide visible outreach in the community
Disseminate recovery information, refer individuals to treatment providers,
and host or refer them to recovery support groups
What people are saying about our work
The speaker was knowledgeable, informative and shared information in a way that made it very easy to understand the concepts being provided.

The presentation was excellent and should be shared with the members of my church... We all need to be educated about STDs and HIV/AIDS. In 2022, we need to know.

I liked the confidence in the speaker in his knowledge of the subject matter.